March 7th, 2025
Dear Mead High School Community,
Wow! What a week for the Mavericks. I want to start by congratulating our Mead Maverick Girls Basketball team on advancing to the final four of the CHSAA 5A tournament after a big win over rival Frederick. The next game will be on Thursday. Times and opponents are TBD. Congrats Mavs and best of luck in the next round.

In addition to basketball, our spring sports are getting under way with tennis, soccer, baseball, lacrosse, and track all getting ready for their first competitions. Orchestra put on an amazing show on Wednesday night. Their growth throughout the year is impressive with each group playing longer and more complex arrangements. Our teachers were busy providing many great experiences for our students. In our government classes, they invited many different state supreme court justices in to talk about their career paths and how their roles help our system of checks and balances. Mr. Parsons took a few students to the district sponsored Doing Democracy Day. This event has our students, with others from around the district, working closely with many local leaders on solving local problems in our community by researching the issues and proposing solutions. Finally, Mrs. Loy invited local guitar maker, Craig Howie, in to do a math lesson on how he uses algebra and geometry to build his custom guitars. Students got to experience first hand the type of math that is used in building these fine instruments. All of this was in addition to the other amazing things going on in the other classes around school.
Next week is our last week before spring break and the last week of the 3rd quarter. We will be hosting a special round of parent teacher conferences for students in need. We will also have a choir concert, many spring sports and as mentioned earlier, a playoff basketball game. With the last semester halfway over, it is a good time to check Infinite Campus and reach out to your student’s teachers if you have any questions or concerns. Spring break is a great time to rest and get caught up.
Brian Young