Principal’s Update

March 14th, 2025

Dear Mead High School Community,

There is a lot of energy in the building as next week is Spring Break. Students and staff have been working hard throughout the third quarter. As we head into break it is a good time to check Infinite Campus and reach out to your student’s teachers if you have any questions or concerns. Spring break is a great time to rest and get caught up. I hope everyone has a safe and relaxing spring break. After break we begin the last ten weeks of the school year.

There are many congratulations in order this week. First, I would like to recognize our Orchestra, lead by Holli Young. They earned a superior rating, which is the highest possible, at the ASTA regional festival. Our five choirs also put on a beautiful performance on Wednesday night. Our music programs continue to grow in number and in quality. Next, I want to congratulate Mrs. Maddie Koenigseker who was honored as our Educator of the Year by the St.Vrain Education Foundation. Maddie is a Biology and Chemistry teacher who was recognized for her strong relationships with students and staff, her innovated teaching practices, and her involvement at Mead HS. Maddie will be recognized at the district event in April. Finally, the rest of our spring sports are rocking and rolling. Girls Lacrosse heads to San Diego, CA over break. Baseball is in Pueblo for the next two days. Track and Field, soccer, and tennis all have practice over break and will pick up competition in a week.

Attention parents of graduating seniors. Right after break we will be having an important meeting with seniors during Advisory time and with parents on Wednesday evening at 6:00pm to go over important end of the year information as well as graduation details. We will send out reminders after break.

It is going to be a great last quarter of the school year. Go Mavs!



Brian Young

Mead High School