
Contact the Athletic Department

Academic Eligibility

Students must maintain a strong academic standing in order to participate in athletics. These athletic eligibility standards are established by the Colorado High School Activities Association in conjunction with St. Vrain Valley Schools.

Mead High School follows the CHSAA Eligibility Plan A for general eligibility requirements. This means that the student cannot be failing more than one class during any week of a sport season nor fail more than one class in any one semester. Students also must always pass a minimum of 2.5 credits in order to be eligible for Mead athletics.

Weekly Eligibility During the Sports Season

During the sport season, daily attendance reports will be run and will be reported to the head coach. In order to be eligible to play in games, the athlete must be marked present in at least 50 percent of his/her classes on that same day. Unless the student’s absence is caused by an extenuating circumstance (ie: death in the family) or the student has received prior approval by the athletic director and is not in 50 percent of his/her classes that day, he/she is not allowed to play.

Mead High School